Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies
A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance
Genome sequence of the Ornithopus/Lupinus-nodulating Bradyrhizobium sp. strain WSM471
Draft Genome Sequence of a Rare Smut Relative, Tilletiaria anomala UBC 951
Genome Sequence of the Obligate Gammaproteobacterial Methanotroph Methylomicrobium album Strain BG8
Complete genome sequence of Kribbella flavida type strain (IFO 14399T)
Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies
Genome organization and botanical diversity
Revised Sequence and Annotation of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 Genome
The Kalanchoë genome provides insights into convergent evolution and building blocks of crassulacean acid metabolism
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
Draft genome sequences of strains CBS6241 and CBS6242 of the basidiomycetous yeast Filobasidium floriforme