Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics
Global Diversity and Biogeography of the Zostera marina Mycobiome
MISIP: a data standard for the reuse and reproducibility of any stable isotope probing-derived nucleic acid sequence and experiment
Genomic insights into the Acidobacteria reveal strategies for their success in terrestrial environments
PSimScan: Algorithm and Utility for Fast Protein Similarity Search
Viral elements and their potential influence on microbial processes along the permanently stratified Cariaco Basin redoxcline
IMG/M-HMP: A Metagenome Comparative Analysis System for the Human Microbiome Project
Development of PCR-based markers for the identification and detection of Lophodermella needle cast pathogens on Pinus contorta var. latifolia and P. flexilis
Conifer DBMagic: a database housing multiple de novo transcriptome assemblies for 12 diverse conifer species
Genomic and exoproteomic diversity in plant biomass degradation approaches among Aspergilli
Genomic Analysis of the Yet-Uncultured Binatota Reveals Broad Methylotrophic, Alkane-Degradation, and Pigment Production Capacities
Soil Microbes Trade-Off Biogeochemical Cycling for Stress Tolerance Traits in Response to Year-Round Climate Change