Complete genome sequence and the expression pattern of plasmids of the model ethanologen Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 and its xylose-utilizing derivatives 8b and 2032
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Phaseolibacter flectens ATCC 12775T, a plant pathogen of French bean pods
Draft Genome Sequence of the Ectomycorrhizal Ascomycete Sphaerosporella brunnea
A Genome-Wide Scan for Evidence of Selection in a Maize Population Under Long-Term Artificial Selection for Ear Number
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
A korarchaeal genome reveals insights into the evolution of the Archaea
RegPrecise 3.0 – A resource for genome-scale exploration of transcriptional regulation in bacteria
Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Complete Genome Sequence and Updated Annotation of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas extremaustralis strain USBA-GBX 515 isolated from Superparamo soil samples in Colombian Andes
MycoCosm, the JGI’s Fungal Genome Portal for Comparative Genomic and Multiomics Data Analyses