The Fast Changing Landscape of Sequencing Technologies and Their Impact on Microbial Genome Assemblies and Annotation
Viral potential to modulate microbial methane metabolism varies by habitat
Proteomics for Validation of Automated Gene Model Predictions
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils
Metagenome-Assembled Genomes for “Candidatus Phormidium sp. Strain AB48” and Co-occurring Microorganisms from an Industrial Photobioreactor Environment
DNA Sequence Analysis of an Inversion Hot Spot in Lobeliaceae Plastomes
Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
Hydrogen production in photosynthetic microbial mats in the Elkhorn Slough estuary, Monterey Bay
Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination
Whole‐genome analysis of the ammonia‐oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation
Leptothrix ochracea genomes reveal potential for mixotrophic growth on Fe(II) and organic carbon
Performance evaluation and tuning of BioPig for genomic analysis