Extreme dimensions — how big (or small) can tailed phages be?
Complete genome sequence of Marivirga tractuosa type strain (H-43T)
High quality draft genome sequence of Olivibacter sitiensis type strain (AW-6T), a diphenol degrader with genes involved in the catechol pathway
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanoregula formicica SMSPT, a Mesophilic Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Methanogenic Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
Genetic dissection of natural variation in oilseed traits of camelina by whole‐genome resequencing and QTL mapping
The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype
Complete genome sequence of Ignisphaera aggregans type strain (AQ1.S1T)
Genome of Methanoregula boonei 6A8 reveals adaptations to oligotrophic peatland environments
Genome Sequence of the Arctic Methanotroph Methylobacter tundripaludum SV96
Bioenergy sorghum nodal root bud development: morphometric, transcriptomic and gene regulatory network analysis
Complete genome sequence of Conexibacter woesei type strain (ID131577T)
Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome