A vast collection of microbial genes that are toxic to bacteria
A Pleiotropic Flowering Time QTL Exhibits Gene-by-Environment Interaction for Fitness in a Perennial Grass
The genome of Syntrophomonas wolfei: new insights into syntrophic metabolism and biohydrogen production
A Standardized Synthetic Eucalyptus Transcription Factor and Promoter Panel for Re-engineering Secondary Cell Wall Regulation in Biomass and Bioenergy Crops
Spray‐induced gene silencing to identify powdery mildew gene targets and processes for powdery mildew control
FOAM (Functional Ontology Assignments for Metagenomes): a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) database with environmental focus
Rapid selective sweep of pre-existing polymorphisms and slow fixation of new mutations in experimental evolution of Desulfovibrio vulgaris
Engineering Pseudomonas putida for efficient aromatic conversion to bioproduct using high throughput screening in a bioreactor
Phosphate Availability Modulates Root Exudate Composition and Rhizosphere Microbial Community in a Teosinte and a Modern Maize Cultivar
Assembly, comparative analysis, and utilization of a single haplotype reference genome for soybean
Roadmap for Accelerated Domestication of an Emerging Perennial Grain Crop
A renaissance for the pioneering 16S rRNA gene