Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil
Hyperactive nanobacteria with host-dependent traits pervade Omnitrophota
Considering Strain Variation and Non-Type Strains for Yeast Metabolic Engineering Applications
Microbiome composition modulates secondary metabolism in a multispecies bacterial community
Oleaginous Yeast Biology Elucidated With Comparative Transcriptomics
Transfer RNAs with novel cloverleaf structures
Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
Distinct temporal diversity profiles for nitrogen cycling genes in a hyporheic microbiome
Persistence and plasticity in bacterial gene regulation
Rokubacteria: Genomic Giants among the Uncultured Bacterial Phyla
Natural soil microbiome variation affects spring foliar phenology with consequences for plant productivity and climate‐driven range shifts
The Structure of CcmP, a Tandem Bacterial Microcompartment Domain Protein from the β-Carboxysome, Forms a Subcompartment Within a Microcompartment