Optimized CRISPR Interference System for Investigating Pseudomonas alloputida Genes Involved in Rhizosphere Microbiome Assembly
p-Nitrophenyl esters provide new insights and applications for the thiolase enzyme OleA
Dissecting the dominant hot spring microbial populations based on community-wide sampling at single-cell genomic resolution
The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem
Comparative Genomic Insights into Ecophysiology of Neutrophilic, Microaerophilic Iron Oxidizing Bacteria
Adaptive laboratory evolution for improved tolerance of isobutyl acetate in Escherichia coli
The F-box protein gene exo-1 is a target for reverse engineering enzyme hypersecretion in filamentous fungi
Development of platforms for functional characterization and production of phenazines using a multi-chassis approach via CRAGE
Genomic insights into the uncultivated marine Zetaproteobacteria at Loihi Seamount
A roadmap for research on crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) to enhance sustainable food and bioenergy production in a hotter, drier world
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family
Defining the Sphagnum Core Microbiome across the North American Continent Reveals a Central Role for Diazotrophic Methanotrophs in the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles of Boreal Peatland Ecosystems