Extensive Rearrangements in the Chloroplast Genome of Trachelium caeruleum Are Associated with Repeats and tRNA Genes
Genome and proteome analyses show the gaseous alkane degrader Desulfosarcina sp. strain BuS5 as an extreme metabolic specialist
A new reference genome for Sorghum bicolor reveals high levels of sequence similarity between sweet and grain genotypes: implications for the genetics of sugar metabolism
Genome sequence and description of the anaerobic lignin-degrading bacterium Tolumonas lignolytica sp. nov.
Fine-scale variation in meiotic recombination in Mimulus inferred from population shotgun sequencing
Discovery and annotation of small proteins using genomics, proteomics, and computational approaches
Complete genome sequence of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus type strain (TK-6T)
The genome of the xerotolerant mold Wallemia sebi reveals adaptations to osmotic stress and suggests cryptic sexual reproduction
The Ecoresponsive Genome of Daphnia pulex
Complete Genome Sequence and Updated Annotation of Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Insights into the Maize Pan-Genome and Pan-Transcriptome
Genome analyses of the carboxydotrophic sulfate-reducers Desulfotomaculum nigrificans and Desulfotomaculum carboxydivorans and reclassification of Desulfotomaculum caboxydivorans as a later synonym of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans