Comparative Genomics of the Dormancy Regulons in Mycobacteria
A comparative genomics screen identifies a Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 sodM-like gene strongly expressed within host plant nodules
Microbial Ecology and Site Characteristics Underlie Differences in Salinity‐Methane Relationships in Coastal Wetlands
Genomic Signatures for Sedimentary Microbial Utilization of Phytoplankton Detritus in a Fast-Flowing Estuary
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
Soil exchange rates of COS and CO18O differ with the diversity of microbial communities and their carbonic anhydrase enzymes
Anoxic carbon flux in photosynthetic microbial mats as revealed by metatranscriptomics
Discovery of enzymes for toluene synthesis from anoxic microbial communities
The microbial nitrogen cycling potential is impacted by polyaromatic hydrocarbon pollution of marine sediments
Computational Strategies for Scalable Genomics Analysis
Integration of Metagenomic and Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence Reveals the Extent and Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide Fixation in High-Temperature Microbial Communities
Microtopography Matters: Belowground CH4 Cycling Regulated by Differing Microbial Processes in Peatland Hummocks and Lawns