Genome Sequence of Methanosarcina soligelidi SMA-21, Isolated from Siberian Permafrost-Affected Soil
Genome sequence of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii strain WSM1689, the microsymbiont of the one flowered clover Trifolium uniflorum
Genome Sequence of Streptomyces griseus Strain XylebKG-1, an Ambrosia Beetle-Associated Actinomycete
Genome Sequence of the Verrucomicrobium Opitutus terrae PB90-1, an Abundant Inhabitant of Rice Paddy Soil Ecosystems
Improved Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas poae A2-S9, a Strain with Plant Growth-Promoting Activity
SNP Assay Development for Linkage Map Construction, Anchoring Whole-Genome Sequence, and Other Genetic and Genomic Applications in Common Bean
Genome sequence of the Medicago-nodulating Ensifer meliloti commercial inoculant strain RRI128
Whole genome sequence of the denitrifying thermophile Geobacillus thermodenitrificans subsp. calidus DSM 22629T
Draft Genome Sequence of Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616, a Lignocellulolytic Fungus for Bioabatement of Inhibitors in Plant Biomass Hydrolysates
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of the Mimosa asperata - nodulating Cupriavidus sp. strain AMP6
Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of plant-growth promoting Serratia proteamaculans S4