A most wanted list of conserved microbial protein families with no known domains
Complete genome sequence of Odoribacter splanchnicus type strain (1651/6T)
Genomic and functional analyses of fungal and bacterial consortia that enable lignocellulose breakdown in goat gut microbiomes
Comparing polysaccharide decomposition between the type strains Gramella echinicola KMM 6050T (DSM 19838T) and Gramella portivictoriae UST040801-001T (DSM 23547T), and emended description of Gramella echinicola Nedashkovskaya et al. 2005 emend. Shahina et
Qualitative and quantitative resistances to leaf rust finely mapped within two nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat (NBS‐LRR)‐rich genomic regions of chromosome 19 in poplar
Complete genome sequence of Meiothermus silvanus type strain (VI-R2T)
Metatranscriptomes of two biological soil crust types from the Mojave desert in response to wetting
Complete genome sequence of Stackebrandtia nassauensis type strain (LLR-40K-21T)
Duplications and losses of genes encoding known elements of the stress defence system of the Aspergilli contribute to the evolution of these filamentous fungi but do not directly influence their environmental stress tolerance
Development of a Freeze-Dried CRISPR-Cas12 Sensor for Detecting Wolbachia in the Secondary Science Classroom
PR-PR: Cross-Platform Laboratory Automation System
Genome sequence of the flexirubin-pigmented soil bacterium Niabella soli type strain (JS13-8T)