Near-complete genome sequence of Lipomyces tetrasporous NRRL Y-64009, an oleaginous yeast capable of growing on lignocellulosic hydrolysates
A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance
Draft genome sequences of strains CBS6241 and CBS6242 of the basidiomycetous yeast Filobasidium floriforme
Examining the cause of high inbreeding depression: analysis of whole‐genome sequence data in 28 selfed progeny of Eucalyptus grandis
Draft Genome Sequence of a Rare Smut Relative, Tilletiaria anomala UBC 951
Complete genome sequence of Brachybacterium faecium type strain (Schefferle 6–10T)
Complete genome sequence of the thermophilic sulfur-reducer Hippea maritima type strain (MH2T)
Complete Genome Sequences of Caldicellulosiruptor sp. Strain Rt8.B8, Caldicellulosiruptor sp. Strain Wai35.B1, and “Thermoanaerobacter cellulolyticus”
High-quality-draft genome sequence of the fermenting bacterium Anaerobium acetethylicum type strain GluBS11T (DSM 29698)
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome