Evidence-based green algal genomics reveals marine diversity and ancestral characteristics of land plants
Successional adaptive strategies revealed by correlating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance with host plant gene expression
The transcriptome of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (DAOM 197198) reveals functional tradeoffs in an obligate symbiont
A layered defense against plant pathogens
Association mapping by aerial drone reveals 213 genetic associations for Sorghum bicolor biomass traits under drought
Insights into the bacterial community and its temporal succession during the fermentation of wine grapes
Phenotypic and genomic signatures of interspecies cooperation and conflict in naturally occurring isolates of a model plant symbiont
Nitrosopumilus maritimus genome reveals unique mechanisms for nitrification and autotrophy in globally distributed marine crenarchaea
Chromosomal integration of complex DNA constructs using CRAGE and CRAGE-Duet systems
Comparative genomics reveals electron transfer and syntrophic mechanisms differentiating methanotrophic and methanogenic archaea
Mining metatranscriptomes reveals a vast world of viroid-like circular RNAs
Complete genome sequence of the plant-associated Serratia plymuthica strain AS13