Complete genome sequence of Methanothermus fervidus type strain (V24ST)
Genome size, cell size, and the evolution of enucleated erythrocytes in attenuate salamanders
Genome interplay in the grain transcriptome of hexaploid bread wheat
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium opportunistum type strain WSM2075T
Genome Data Provides High Support for Generic Boundaries in Burkholderia Sensu Lato
Draft Genome Sequence of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans Strain UI, a Mesophilic Aromatic Compound-Degrading Syntroph
Genome sequence of Phaeobacter caeruleus type strain (DSM 24564T), a surface-associated member of the marine Roseobacter clade
Draft genome sequence of type strain HBR26T and description of Rhizobium aethiopicum sp. nov.
Complete Genome Sequence of the Chemolithoautotrophic Marine Magnetotactic Coccus Strain MC-1▿ †
Genome sequence of Ensifer sp. TW10; a Tephrosia wallichii (Biyani) microsymbiont native to the Indian Thar Desert
Complete genome sequence of Streptobacillus moniliformis type strain (9901T)
Coral mucus rapidly induces chemokinesis and genome-wide transcriptional shifts toward early pathogenesis in a bacterial coral pathogen