ShotgunFunctionalizeR: an R-package for functional comparison of metagenomes
Rationale for reconsidering current regulations restricting use of hybrids in orange juice
Functional analysis of Salix purpurea genes support roles for ARR17 and GATA15 as master regulators of sex determination
Integrative visual omics of the white-rot fungus Polyporus brumalis exposes the biotechnological potential of its oxidative enzymes for delignifying raw plant biomass
CO2-converting enzymes for sustainable biotechnology: from mechanisms to application
IMG/VR v3: an integrated ecological and evolutionary framework for interrogating genomes of uncultivated viruses
Harnessing symbiotic bacteria for disease control
Extreme overall mushroom genome expansion in Mycena s.s. irrespective of plant hosts or substrate specializations.
Structural and Functional Modularity of the Orange Carotenoid Protein: Distinct Roles for the N- and C-Terminal Domains in Cyanobacterial Photoprotection
Bioboxes: standardised containers for interchangeable bioinformatics software
Conserved white-rot enzymatic mechanism for wood decay in the Basidiomycota genus Pycnoporus
Brachypodium distachyon and Setaria viridis: Model Genetic Systems for the Grasses.