Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia Strain G2, a Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia and Able To Nodulate Actinorhizal Plants of the Order Rhamnales
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanolinea tarda NOBI-1T, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from Methanogenic Digester Sludge
Draft Genome Sequence of Methyloferula stellata AR4, an Obligate Methanotroph Possessing Only a Soluble Methane Monooxygenase
Complete genome sequence of Arcobacter nitrofigilis type strain (CIT)
Salt tolerance of two perennial grass Brachypodium sylvaticum accessions
Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus Stetter and Fiala 1986 type strain F1
Complete Genome Sequence of the Plant Growth-Promoting Endophyte Burkholderia phytofirmans Strain PsJN
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic, amino-acid-degrading and sulfur-reducing bacterium Thermovirga lienii type strain (Cas60314T)
Draft genome sequence of Marinobacterium rhizophilum CL-YJ9T (DSM 18822T), isolated from the rhizosphere of the coastal tidal-flat plant Suaeda japonica
Nontargeted virus sequence discovery pipeline and virus clustering for metagenomic data
Selection to sequence: opportunities in fungal genomics