Complete genome sequence of the hyperthermophilic chemolithoautotroph Pyrolobus fumarii type strain (1AT)
Draft Genome Sequence of Methyloferula stellata AR4, an Obligate Methanotroph Possessing Only a Soluble Methane Monooxygenase
High quality draft genome sequence of Bacteroides barnesiae type strain BL2T (DSM 18169T) from chicken caecum
Draft Genome Sequence of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans Strain UI, a Mesophilic Aromatic Compound-Degrading Syntroph
Complete genome sequence of Segniliparus rotundus type strain (CDC 1076T)
Genome sequence of the Thermotoga thermarum type strain (LA3T) from an African solfataric spring
Draft Genome Sequence of Microdochium bolleyi, a Dark Septate Fungal Endophyte of Beach Grass
Complete genome sequence of Methanocorpusculum labreanum type strain Z
Complete genome sequence of Nitrosomonas sp. Is79, an ammonia oxidizing bacterium adapted to low ammonium concentrations
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14 and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Species within the Genus Nitrobacter▿ †
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Phaseolibacter flectens ATCC 12775T, a plant pathogen of French bean pods
From Intern to Published Scientist: The Journey of a JGI-UC Merced Intern