Building a custom high-throughput platform at the Joint Genome Institute for DNA construct design and assembly-present and future challenges.
Wavelet-Based Genomic Signal Processing for Centromere Identification and Hypothesis Generation
Microbial communities and biogeochemical functioning across peatlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Canada: Implications for reclamation and management
A call for standardized classification of metagenome projects
CO2-converting enzymes for sustainable biotechnology: from mechanisms to application
Drought shifts sorghum root metabolite and microbiome profiles and enriches for pipecolic acid
101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata
The secondary metabolism collaboratory: a database and web discussion portal for secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters
The Metadata Coverage Index (MCI): A standardized metric for quantifying database metadata richness
Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome‐resolved metagenomics
A perspective: Metatranscriptomics as a tool for the discovery of novel biocatalysts