Quantitative iTRAQ-based secretome analysis reveals species-specific and temporal shifts in carbon utilization strategies among manganese(II)-oxidizing Ascomycete fungi
Genome-Scale Data Call for a Taxonomic Rearrangement of Geodermatophilaceae
Genomic and exoproteomic diversity in plant biomass degradation approaches among Aspergilli
Construction of Viable Soil Defined Media Using Quantitative Metabolomics Analysis of Soil Metabolites
In depth metagenomic analysis in contrasting oil wells reveals syntrophic bacterial and archaeal associations for oil biodegradation in petroleum reservoirs
Genomic profiles of four novel cyanobacteria MAGs from Lake Vanda, Antarctica: insights into photosynthesis, cold tolerance, and the circadian clock
Functional analysis of Salix purpurea genes support roles for ARR17 and GATA15 as master regulators of sex determination
Comparative analysis of GT14/GT14-like gene family in Arabidopsis, Oryza, Populus, Sorghum and Vitis
Genomic properties of Marine Group A bacteria indicate a role in the marine sulfur cycle
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga Porphyra umbilicalis
Genomic and Metabolic Diversity of Marine Group I Thaumarchaeota in the Mesopelagic of Two Subtropical Gyres
Genome-wide analysis of lectin receptor-like kinases in Populus