Proteome profile of the endomembrane of developing coleoptiles from switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
MVP: a modular viromics pipeline to identify, filter, cluster, annotate, and bin viruses from metagenomes.
Towards optimized viral metagenomes for double-stranded and single-stranded DNA viruses from challenging soils
IMG/M-HMP: A Metagenome Comparative Analysis System for the Human Microbiome Project
Ecophysiology of an uncultivated lineage of Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot spring filamentous ‘streamer’ community
Further engineering of R. toruloides for the production of terpenes from lignocellulosic biomass
Draft Genome Sequence of a Terrestrial Planctomycete, Singulisphaera sp. Strain GP187, Isolated from Forest Soil
The CC–NB–LRR protein BSR1 from Brachypodium confers resistance to Barley stripe mosaic virus in gramineous plants by recognising TGB1 movement protein
Draft Genome Sequence of Heavy Metal-Resistant Cupriavidus alkaliphilus ASC-732T, Isolated from Agave Rhizosphere in the Northeast of Mexico
Comparative Genomic Analysis of Phylogenetically Closely Related Hydrogenobaculum sp. Isolates from Yellowstone National Park
Antiquaquibacter oligotrophicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel oligotrophic bacterium from groundwater
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain DC12, an Atypical, Noninfective, Ineffective Isolate from Datisca cannabina