Identification and Structural Analysis of a Novel Carboxysome Shell Protein with Implications for Metabolite Transport
Repeated Cis-Regulatory Tuning of a Metabolic Bottleneck Gene during Evolution
Members of the Genus Methylobacter Are Inferred To Account for the Majority of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Oxic Soils from a Freshwater Wetland
The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
Systematic Screening of Synthetic Gene-Encoded Enzymes for Synthesis of Modified Glycosides
Evidence for the widespread distribution of CRISPR-Cas system in the Phylum Cyanobacteria
DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function
Engineering a Synthetic Escherichia coli Coculture for Compartmentalized de novo Biosynthesis of Isobutyl Butyrate from Mixed Sugars
Association mapping by aerial drone reveals 213 genetic associations for Sorghum bicolor biomass traits under drought
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon-Accumulating Complexes from Autotrophic Bacteria from Extreme Environments
Aquifer environment selects for microbial species cohorts in sediment and groundwater
A microarray for assessing transcription from pelagic marine microbial taxa