Nontargeted virus sequence discovery pipeline and virus clustering for metagenomic data
The gold-standard genome of Aspergillus niger NRRL 3 enables a detailed view of the diversity of sugar catabolism in fungi
Development of a thermophilic coculture for corn fiber conversion to ethanol
A genetic linkage map for the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor and its alignment to the whole‐genome sequence assemblies
The Plant Cell Wall–Decomposing Machinery Underlies the Functional Diversity of Forest Fungi
Comparative genomics of freshwater Fe-oxidizing bacteria: implications for physiology, ecology, and systematics
Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change
Ecosystem Fabrication (EcoFAB) Protocols for The Construction of Laboratory Ecosystems Designed to Study Plant-microbe Interactions
Searching for fat tails in CRISPR-Cas systems: Data analysis and mathematical modeling
Genome sequence and description of the anaerobic lignin-degrading bacterium Tolumonas lignolytica sp. nov.
Combining Promiscuous Acyl-CoA Oxidase and Enoyl-CoA Carboxylase/Reductases for Atypical Polyketide Extender Unit Biosynthesis
Resolving the controls over the production and emission of ice-nucleating particles in sea spray