Genomic insights into the uncultivated marine Zetaproteobacteria at Loihi Seamount
A novel method to evaluate nutrient retention by biological soil crust exopolymeric matrix
Insights into Secondary Metabolism from a Global Analysis of Prokaryotic Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
Metagenomes and metatranscriptomes from boreal potential and actual acid sulfate soil materials
Cold adaptive traits revealed by comparative genomic analysis of the eurypsychrophile Rhodococcus sp. JG3 isolated from high elevation McMurdo Dry Valley permafrost, Antarctica
Complete genome sequence of Streptobacillus moniliformis type strain (9901T)
Complete genome sequence of Marinomonas posidonica type strain (IVIA-Po-181T)
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
Scaling metagenome sequence assembly with probabilistic de Bruijn graphs
A compendium of bacterial and archaeal single-cell amplified genomes from oxygen deficient marine waters
Complete genome sequence of Kytococcus sedentarius type strain (541T)
Complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium sp. strain (Spyr1) and reclassification to Mycobacterium gilvum Spyr1