Analysis of Ten Brucella Genomes Reveals Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer Despite a Preferred Intracellular Lifestyle▿ §
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family
Use of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Strain 18r12v and Paromomycin Selection for Transformation of Brachypodium distachyon and Brachypodium sylvaticum
Fixation-free fluorescence in situ hybridization for targeted enrichment of microbial populations
Combating a Global Threat to a Clonal Crop: Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) Genomes Reveal Clues for Disease Control
An integrated workflow for phenazine-modifying enzyme characterization
Development of PCR-based markers for the identification and detection of Lophodermella needle cast pathogens on Pinus contorta var. latifolia and P. flexilis
Viral community analysis in a marine oxygen minimum zone indicates increased potential for viral manipulation of microbial physiological state
The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem
Application of Long Sequence Reads To Improve Genomes for Clostridium thermocellum AD2, Clostridium thermocellum LQRI, and Pelosinus fermentans R7
Bioinformatics Analysis Tools for Studying Microbiomes at the DOE Joint Genome Institute
Development of Ratiometric Bioluminescent Sensors for in Vivo Detection of Bacterial Signaling