The Essential Role of the N-Terminal Domain of the Orange Carotenoid Protein in Cyanobacterial Photoprotection: Importance of a Positive Charge for Phycobilisome Binding
Lipid analysis of CO2-rich subsurface aquifers suggests an autotrophy-based deep biosphere with lysolipids enriched in CPR bacteria
Zymomonas diversity and potential for biofuel production
Targeted and shotgun metagenomic approaches provide different descriptions of dryland soil microbial communities in a manipulated field study
Environmental Genomics Reveals a Single-Species Ecosystem Deep Within Earth
Ice cover extent drives phytoplankton and bacterial community structure in a large north‐temperate lake: implications for a warming climate
Consortia of low-abundance bacteria drive sulfate reduction-dependent degradation of fermentation products in peat soil microcosms
Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes
A vast collection of microbial genes that are toxic to bacteria
Laying the Foundation for a Genomic Rosetta Stone: Creating Information Hubs through the Use of Consensus Identifiers
Probing specificities of alcohol acyltransferases for designer ester biosynthesis with a high‐throughput microbial screening platform
Cell Extracts from Bacteria and Yeast Retain Metabolic Activity after Extended Storage and Repeated Thawing