Visual Comparative Omics of Fungi for Plant Biomass Deconstruction
The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
Plant Metabolic Network 15: A resource of genome‐wide metabolism databases for 126 plants and algae
A framework for human microbiome research
Comparative single-cell genomics reveals potential ecological niches for the freshwater acI Actinobacteria lineage
Methylotrophy in the Mire: direct and indirect routes for methane production in thawing permafrost
IMG/M v.5.0: an integrated data management and comparative analysis system for microbial genomes and microbiomes
Whole‐genome analysis of the ammonia‐oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation
Metabolic analysis of the soil microbe Dechloromonas aromatica str. RCB: indications of a surprisingly complex life-style and cryptic anaerobic pathways for aromatic degradation
BGC Atlas: a web resource for exploring the global chemical diversity encoded in bacterial genomes
End-to-end automated microfluidic platform for synthetic biology: from design to functional analysis
Toward an Online Repository of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for (Meta)genomic Annotation