Complete genome sequence of Chitinophaga pinensis type strain (UQM 2034T)
Marine Synechococcus isolates representing globally abundant genomic lineages demonstrate a unique evolutionary path of genome reduction without a decrease in GC content
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of plant-growth promoting Serratia proteamaculans S4
Homologous Recombination and Transposon Propagation Shape the Population Structure of an Organism from the Deep Subsurface with Minimal Metabolism
Complete genome sequence of Polynucleobacter necessariussubsp. asymbioticus type strain (QLW-P1DMWA-1T)
Phototrophic Co-cultures From Extreme Environments: Community Structure and Potential Value for Fundamental and Applied Research
MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities
Single-cell genomics reveals complex carbohydrate degradation patterns in poribacterial symbionts of marine sponges
Genome sequence of the soil bacterium Saccharomonospora azurea type strain (NA-128T)
Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Liquid Hydrocarbon–Accumulating Green Microalga Botryococcus braunii Race B (Showa)
HipMCL: a high-performance parallel implementation of the Markov clustering algorithm for large-scale networks
Transcriptional response of bathypelagic marine bacterioplankton to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill