Complete genome sequence and the expression pattern of plasmids of the model ethanologen Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 and its xylose-utilizing derivatives 8b and 2032
Genome Sequence of the Mesophilic Thermotogales Bacterium Mesotoga prima MesG1.Ag.4.2 Reveals the Largest Thermotogales Genome To Date
Genome sequence of Ensifer medicae Di28; an effective N2-fixing microsymbiont of Medicago murex and M. polymorpha
Revised Sequence and Annotation of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 Genome
Genome sequence of the model mushroom Schizophyllum commune
The Genetically Remote Pathogenic Strain NVH391-98 of the Bacillus cereus Group Is Representative of a Cluster of Thermophilic Strains▿ †
The Complete Genome Sequence of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 Reveals a Cellulolytic and Metabolic Specialist
Development of simple sequence repeat markers for the soybean rust fungus, Phakopsora pachyrhizi
SpaRC: scalable sequence clustering using Apache Spark
gRNA-SeqRET: a universal tool for targeted and genome-scale gRNA design and sequence extraction for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Complete Genome Sequence of the Cellulose-Degrading Bacterium Cellulosilyticum lentocellum
Genome-based analysis of virulence determinants of a Serratia marcescens strain from soft tissues following a snake bite