Exometabolomic Analysis of Cross-Feeding Metabolites
Functional analysis of Salix purpurea genes support roles for ARR17 and GATA15 as master regulators of sex determination
Genome analysis of Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae strain GrollT a highly versatile Gram-positive sulfate-reducing bacterium
IMG 4 version of the integrated microbial genomes comparative analysis system
Anaerobic gut fungi are an untapped reservoir of natural products
The Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.4: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
Comparative Genomics of Early-Diverging Mushroom-Forming Fungi Provides Insights into the Origins of Lignocellulose Decay Capabilities
Broad Genomic Sampling Reveals a Smut Pathogenic Ancestry of the Fungal Clade Ustilaginomycotina.
Experimentally Validated Reconstruction and Analysis of a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of an Anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota Fungus
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
An HMM approach expands the landscape of sesquiterpene cyclases across the kingdom Fungi