Microbiome Data Science: Understanding Our Microbial Planet
Bioavailable iron titrations reveal oceanic Synechococcus ecotypes optimized for different iron availabilities
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
The initial soil microbiota impacts the potential for lignocellulose degradation during soil solarization
Identification of 2‑Hydroxyacyl-CoA Synthases with High Acyloin Condensation Activity for Orthogonal One-Carbon Bioconversion
The ancient Salicoid genome duplication event: A platform for reconstruction of de Novo gene evolution in Populus trichocarpa
Quantitative trait loci for cell wall composition traits measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the model C4 perennial grass Panicum hallii
Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics
Network Topology Evaluation and Transitive Alignments for Molecular Networking
Genomic insights into the Acidobacteria reveal strategies for their success in terrestrial environments
Optofluidic Raman-activated cell sorting for targeted genome retrieval or cultivation of microbial cells with specific functions
Metabolic Potential for Reductive Acetogenesis and a Novel Energy-Converting [NiFe] Hydrogenase in Bathyarchaeia From Termite Guts – A Genome-Centric Analysis