High resolution mapping reveals hotspots and sex-biased recombination in Populus trichocarpa.
Genome of Methanoregula boonei 6A8 reveals adaptations to oligotrophic peatland environments
Visual Comparative Omics of Fungi for Plant Biomass Deconstruction
Evolution of extreme resistance to ionizing radiation via genetic adaptation of DNA repair
Natural soil microbiome variation affects spring foliar phenology with consequences for plant productivity and climate‐driven range shifts
Laccase and Its Role in Production of Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species during Wood Decay by the Brown Rot Basidiomycete Postia placenta▿ †
The genome of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans strain CJ2, isolated from coal tar‐contaminated sediment, reveals physiological and metabolic versatility and evolution through extensive horizontal gene transfer
The core metabolome and root exudation dynamics of three phylogenetically distinct plant species
An orphan gene BOOSTER enhances photosynthetic efficiency and plant productivity
Association mapping, transcriptomics, and transient expression identify candidate genes mediating plant–pathogen interactions in a tree
Bright luminescence of Vibrio fischeri aconitase mutants reveals a connection between citrate and the Gac/Csr regulatory system
Genomic Characterization of Methanomicrobiales Reveals Three Classes of Methanogens