A Recommendation for Naming Transcription Factor Proteins in the Grasses
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
Mutation of SHOC2 promotes aberrant protein N-myristoylation and causes Noonan-like syndrome with loose anagen hair
Triplicate PCR reactions for 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing are unnecessary
Development of PCR-based markers for the identification and detection of Lophodermella needle cast pathogens on Pinus contorta var. latifolia and P. flexilis
Current status and impending progress for cassava structural genomics
Biochemical characterization of Fsa16295Glu from “Fervidibacter sacchari,” the first hyperthermophilic GH50 with β-1,3-endoglucanase activity and founding member of the subfamily GH50_3
High‐Throughput In Vitro Glycoside Hydrolase (HIGH) Screening for Enzyme Discovery
A Thermophilic Ionic Liquid-Tolerant Cellulase Cocktail for the Production of Cellulosic Biofuels
DNA Methylation in Ensifer Species during Free-Living Growth and during Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiosis with Medicago spp.
Bioinformatics Analysis Tools for Studying Microbiomes at the DOE Joint Genome Institute
Potential for Chemolithoautotrophy Among Ubiquitous Bacteria Lineages in the Dark Ocean