Multiple Maize Reference Genomes Impact the Identification of Variants by Genome‐Wide Association Study in a Diverse Inbred Panel
Microbial functional diversity across biogeochemical provinces in the central Pacific Ocean
Advancements in the application of NanoSIMS and Raman microspectroscopy to investigate the activity of microbial cells in soils
Genome sequence of the pink–pigmented marine bacterium Loktanella hongkongensis type strain (UST950701–009PT), a representative of the Roseobacter group
Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes
Microbial responses to long-term warming differ across soil microenvironments
Millimeter‐scale genetic gradients and community‐level molecular convergence in a hypersaline microbial mat
High-Quality Draft Genomes from Thermus caliditerrae YIM 77777 and T. tengchongensis YIM 77401, Isolates from Tengchong, China
Structure and dynamics of the microbial communities underlying the carboxylate platform for biofuel production
DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function
Depth-Differentiation and Seasonality of Planktonic Microbial Assemblages in the Monterey Bay Upwelling System
Microbial dark matter ecogenomics reveals complex synergistic networks in a methanogenic bioreactor