Members of the Genus Methylobacter Are Inferred To Account for the Majority of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Oxic Soils from a Freshwater Wetland
Complete Genome Sequence of Rahnella sp. Strain Y9602, a Gammaproteobacterium Isolate from Metal- and Radionuclide-Contaminated Soil
Seasonal Succession Leads to Habitat-Dependent Differentiation in Ribosomal RNA:DNA Ratios among Freshwater Lake Bacteria
Cave Thiovulum (Candidatus Thiovulum stygium) differs metabolically and genomically from marine species
ATGC: a database of orthologous genes from closely related prokaryotic genomes and a research platform for microevolution of prokaryotes
Ecophysiology of an uncultivated lineage of Aigarchaeota from an oxic, hot spring filamentous ‘streamer’ community
Phage–bacteria relationships and CRISPR elements revealed by a metagenomic survey of the rumen microbiome
Consensus statement from the first RdRp Summit: advancing RNA virus discovery at scale across communities
Obtaining genomes from uncultivated environmental microorganisms using FACS–based single-cell genomics
Draft genome sequence of Dethiosulfovibrio salsuginis DSM 21565T an anaerobic, slightly halophilic bacterium isolated from a Colombian saline spring
Metagenomics untangles potential adaptations of Antarctic endolithic bacteria at the fringe of habitability
Toward a Standards-Compliant Genomic and Metagenomic Publication Record