Gene Context Analysis in the Integrated Microbial Genomes (IMG) Data Management System
Discovery of Novel Plant Interaction Determinants from the Genomes of 163 Root Nodule Bacteria
Fixation-free fluorescence in situ hybridization for targeted enrichment of microbial populations
NAP: The Network Analysis Profiler, a web tool for easier topological analysis and comparison of medium-scale biological networks
Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacterial and Archaeal Type Strains, Phase III: the genomes of soil and plant-associated and newly described type strains
A toolkit for microbial community editing
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.
The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem
nifH pyrosequencing reveals the potential for location‐specific soil chemistry to influence N2‐fixing community dynamics
Genomic basis for the unique phenotype of the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis
Chapter One Structural, Mechanistic and Genomic Insights into OCP-Mediated Photoprotection
The F-box protein gene exo-1 is a target for reverse engineering enzyme hypersecretion in filamentous fungi