An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity
Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)
Analysis of 81 genes from 64 plastid genomes resolves relationships in angiosperms and identifies genome-scale evolutionary patterns
Modular cell-free expression plasmids to accelerate biological design in cells
Three mutations repurpose a plant karrikin receptor to a strigolactone receptor
Convergent reductive evolution and host adaptation in Mycoavidus bacterial endosymbionts of Mortierellaceae fungi
Functional Gene Losses Occur with Minimal Size Reduction in the Plastid Genome of the Parasitic Liverwort Aneura mirabilis
Root cap cell corpse clearance limits microbial colonization in Arabidopsis thaliana
Peatland microbial community responses to plant functional group and drought are depth‐dependent
Metabolic potential of a single cell belonging to one of the most abundant lineages in freshwater bacterioplankton
A plant host, Nicotiana benthamiana, enables the production and study of fungal lignin-degrading enzymes
The fate of 35S rRNA genes in the allotetraploid grass Brachypodium hybridum