Fixation-free fluorescence in situ hybridization for targeted enrichment of microbial populations
Gone with a trace: cataloguing the disappearing gut microbes
Predicted structural proteome of Sphagnum divinum and proteome-scale annotation
Genome Sequence of Kosmotoga olearia Strain TBF 19.5.1, a Thermophilic Bacterium with a Wide Growth Temperature Range, Isolated from the Troll B Oil Platform in the North Sea
Tissue Cultivation, Preparation, and Extraction of High Molecular Weight DNA for Single-Molecule Genome Sequencing of Plant-Associated Fungi
A metagenomic insight into freshwater methane-utilizing communities and evidence for cooperation between the Methylococcaceae and the Methylophilaceae
Viral community analysis in a marine oxygen minimum zone indicates increased potential for viral manipulation of microbial physiological state
Draft genome of five Cupriavidus plantarum strains: agave, maize and sorghum plant-associated bacteria with resistance to metals
A k-mer-based approach for phylogenetic classification of taxa in environmental genomic data.
Unique genomic traits for cold adaptation in Naganishia vishniacii, a polyextremophile yeast isolated from Antarctica
Development of Ratiometric Bioluminescent Sensors for in Vivo Detection of Bacterial Signaling
Computational Strategies for Scalable Genomics Analysis