The genome of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.)
Genome analysis and description of Tunturibacter gen. nov. expands the diversity of Terriglobia in tundra soils
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Ensifer sp. PC2, isolated from a nitrogen-fixing root nodule of the legume tree (Khejri) native to the Thar Desert of India
Complete genome sequence of the gliding, heparinolytic Pedobacter saltans type strain (113T)
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain DC12, an Atypical, Noninfective, Ineffective Isolate from Datisca cannabina
The Chlamydomonas Genome Reveals the Evolution of Key Animal and Plant Functions
Genome Analysis of the Anaerobic Thermohalophilic Bacterium Halothermothrix orenii
Alignathon: a competitive assessment of whole-genome alignment methods
Draft Genome of Janthinobacterium sp. RA13 Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
The genome of Tetranychus urticae reveals herbivorous pest adaptations
Draft genome sequences of strains CBS6241 and CBS6242 of the basidiomycetous yeast Filobasidium floriforme
Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon