In vitro Characterization of Phenylacetate Decarboxylase, a Novel Enzyme Catalyzing Toluene Biosynthesis in an Anaerobic Microbial Community
Spatial Homogeneity of Bacterial Communities Associated with the Surface Mucus Layer of the Reef-Building Coral Acropora palmata
Genome analysis of Desulfotomaculum kuznetsovii strain 17T reveals a physiological similarity with Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum strain SIT
Characterization of UbiA terpene synthases with a precursor overproduction system in Escherichia coli
Complete Genome of Enterobacteriaceae Bacterium Strain FGI 57, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity
Dissecting the dominant hot spring microbial populations based on community-wide sampling at single-cell genomic resolution
Natural soil microbiome variation affects spring foliar phenology with consequences for plant productivity and climate‐driven range shifts
A Multiomic Approach to Understand How Pleurotus eryngii Transforms Non-Woody Lignocellulosic Material
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential in Cultivated and Native Tallgrass Prairie Soils of the Midwestern United States
Metatranscriptomic reconstruction reveals RNA viruses with the potential to shape carbon cycling in soil
Structural dynamics and transcriptomic analysis of Dehalococcoides mccartyi within a TCE-Dechlorinating community in a completely mixed flow reactor