Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
Tracking the Origins of Methane-Producing Microbes
Giant Bacteria Found in Guadeloupe Mangroves Challenge Traditional Concepts
JGIota: Looking Back at How Cow Rumen Samples Landed on a Syllabus
Game On: High School Students Drive Everglades Metagenomics Study
Inspiring STEM Careers Through a Hands-on Everglades Microbiome Study
Plotting a Model for Virus-Host Warfare Deep Below Ground
A Better Way to Find RNA Virus Needles in the Proverbial Database Haystacks
10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
Finding the Fermenters
What Happens Underground Influences Global Nutrient Cycles
Fungal Friends or Foes in Plant Roots