Draft genome sequence of Marinobacterium rhizophilum CL-YJ9T (DSM 18822T), isolated from the rhizosphere of the coastal tidal-flat plant Suaeda japonica
Complete Genome Sequence of Rahnella sp. Strain Y9602, a Gammaproteobacterium Isolate from Metal- and Radionuclide-Contaminated Soil
Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies
High-quality-draft genome sequence of the fermenting bacterium Anaerobium acetethylicum type strain GluBS11T (DSM 29698)
Complete Genome Sequence of an Evolved Thermotoga maritima Isolate
Genome sequence of Ensifer medicae strain WSM1369; an effective microsymbiont of the annual legume Medicago sphaerocarpos
Complete genome sequence of Bacteroides helcogenes type strain (P 36–108T)
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic halophile Flexistipes sinusarabici strain (MAS10T)
High-quality draft genome sequence of Gracilimonas tropica CL-CB462T (DSM 19535T), isolated from a Synechococcus culture
Protein structure determination using metagenome sequence data
Complete genome sequence of Arcobacter nitrofigilis type strain (CIT)
The Complete Multipartite Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus necator JMP134, a Versatile Pollutant Degrader