IMG/M-HMP: A Metagenome Comparative Analysis System for the Human Microbiome Project
IMG-ABC: A Knowledge Base To Fuel Discovery of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters and Novel Secondary Metabolites
The IMG/M data management and analysis system v.6.0: new tools and advanced capabilities
The IMG/M data management and analysis system v.7: content updates and new features.
IMG/M 4 version of the integrated metagenome comparative analysis system
IMG/VR: a database of cultured and uncultured DNA Viruses and retroviruses
IMG/VR v3: an integrated ecological and evolutionary framework for interrogating genomes of uncultivated viruses
IMG/VR v4: an expanded database of uncultivated virus genomes within a framework of extensive functional, taxonomic, and ecological metadata.
IMG 4 version of the integrated microbial genomes comparative analysis system
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
The integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system in 2007: data content and analysis tool extensions
IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system