Comparative genomics of pyrophilous fungi reveals a link between fire events and developmental genes
Comparative Genomics of a Plant-Pathogenic Fungus, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Reveals Transduplication and the Impact of Repeat Elements on Pathogenicity and Population Divergence
MicrobesOnline: an integrated portal for comparative and functional genomics
Comparative genomics and expression levels of hydrophobins from eight mycorrhizal genomes
Genome-scale phylogeny and comparative genomics of the fungal order Sordariales
Comparative genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics give new insight into the exoproteome of the basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum and its involvement in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis
Comparative Genomics Suggests an Independent Origin of Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Cardinium hertigii
Comparative genomics of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and Dictyostelium purpureum
Comparative Genomics of the Pine Pathogens and Beetle Symbionts in the Genus Grosmannia
Viral niche-partitioning: Comparative genomics of giant viruses across environmental gradients in a High Arctic freshwater-saltwater lake
Evolution and comparative genomics of the most common Trichoderma species
The molecular dimension of microbial species: 3. Comparative genomics of Synechococcus strains with different light responses and in situ diel transcription patterns of associated putative ecotypes in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat