Differences in sequencing technologies improve the retrieval of anammox bacterial genome from metagenomes
The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change
The Fast Changing Landscape of Sequencing Technologies and Their Impact on Microbial Genome Assemblies and Annotation
Microbial species delineation using whole genome sequences
A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome
Next generation sequencing and bioinformatic bottlenecks: the current state of metagenomic data analysis
The “Most Wanted” Taxa from the Human Microbiome for Whole Genome Sequencing
Improving the coverage of the cyanobacterial phylum using diversity-driven genome sequencing
High Density Genetic Maps of Seashore Paspalum Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing and Their Relationship to The Sorghum Bicolor Genome
Discovery of photosynthesis genes through whole-genome sequencing of acetate-requiring mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Partnering with CalTeach – Training the Next Generation STEM Workforce
Better Genome Editing for Bioenergy