New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
Impacts of land-use change on soil microbial communities and their function in the Amazon Rainforest
Targeted and shotgun metagenomic approaches provide different descriptions of dryland soil microbial communities in a manipulated field study
Sediment microbial communities in Great Boiling Spring are controlled by temperature and distinct from water communities
Metagenomes from Arctic Soil Microbial Communities from the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Utqiaġvik, AK, USA
Biogeography and organic matter removal shape long-term effects of timber harvesting on forest soil microbial communities
Metatranscriptomes of California grassland soil microbial communities in response to rewetting.
JGI Earth Month: Healthy Streams, Nutritious Microbes?
Introducing New Members of the JGI User Executive Committee
Plant-Microbial Interactions Group
Digging into Microbial Ecosystems Deep Underground
An Age of CRAGE: Advances in Rapidly Engineering Non-model Bacteria