Complete Genome Sequence of Rahnella sp. Strain Y9602, a Gammaproteobacterium Isolate from Metal- and Radionuclide-Contaminated Soil
Draft Genome Sequence of Methylocapsa palsarum NE2T, an Obligate Methanotroph from Subarctic Soil
The molecular dimension of microbial species: 3. Comparative genomics of Synechococcus strains with different light responses and in situ diel transcription patterns of associated putative ecotypes in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat
Draft Genome Sequence of Neurospora crassa Strain FGSC 73
Genome Sequence of the Mesophilic Thermotogales Bacterium Mesotoga prima MesG1.Ag.4.2 Reveals the Largest Thermotogales Genome To Date
Complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium sp. strain (Spyr1) and reclassification to Mycobacterium gilvum Spyr1
High-quality draft genome sequence of Gracilimonas tropica CL-CB462T (DSM 19535T), isolated from a Synechococcus culture
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain CN3, an Atypical, Noninfective (Nod–) Ineffective (Fix–) Isolate from Coriaria nepalensis
Complete genome sequence of DSM 30083T, the type strain (U5/41T) of Escherichia coli, and a proposal for delineating subspecies in microbial taxonomy
Genome Sequence of the Mercury-Methylating Strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanolinea tarda NOBI-1T, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from Methanogenic Digester Sludge
Analyses of expressed sequence tags from the maize foliar pathogen Cercospora zeae-maydis identify novel genes expressed during vegetative, infectious, and reproductive growth