Adaptation to Environmental Extremes Structures Functional Traits in Biological Soil Crust and Hypolithic Microbial Communities
Draft Genome Sequence of Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacterium Oxalobacteraceae sp. Strain AB_14
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Microbial Genome Annotation Pipeline (MGAP v.4)
Multiple genes recruited from hormone pathways partition maize diterpenoid defences
Drought re-routes soil microbial carbon metabolism towards emission of volatile metabolites in an artificial tropical rainforest
Draft Genome Sequence of the White-Rot Fungus Obba rivulosa 3A-2
Complementary Metagenomic Approaches Improve Reconstruction of Microbial Diversity in a Forest Soil
High quality draft genome sequence of Corynebacterium ulceribovis type strain IMMIB-L1395T (DSM 45146T)
Common bacterial responses in six ecosystems exposed to 10 years of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
The Genome Sequence of Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4, a Psychroactive Siberian Permafrost Bacterium, Reveals Mechanisms for Adaptation to Low-Temperature Growth▿ †
Complete genome sequence of Mesorhizobium australicum type strain (WSM2073T)