Next generation sequencing data of a defined microbial mock community
Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics to Analyze Fruiting Body Development in Filamentous Ascomycetes
Symbiodinium Transcriptomes: Genome Insights into the Dinoflagellate Symbionts of Reef-Building Corals
The future of legume genetic data resources: Challenges, opportunities, and priorities
Comparative Genomics of the Pine Pathogens and Beetle Symbionts in the Genus Grosmannia
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi
Comparative genomics and physiology of the genus Methanohalophilus, a prevalent methanogen in hydraulically fractured shale
Protein structure determination using metagenome sequence data
Coordinating Environmental Genomics and Geochemistry Reveals Metabolic Transitions in a Hot Spring Ecosystem
Transcriptomic Data Sets for Zymomonas mobilis 2032 during Fermentation of Ammonia Fiber Expansion (AFEX)-Pretreated Corn Stover and Switchgrass Hydrolysates
IMG/M 4 version of the integrated metagenome comparative analysis system