Genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Burkholderia sp. strain WSM2232 from Karijini National Park, Australia
Complete genome sequence of Planctomyces brasiliensis type strain (DSM 5305T), phylogenomic analysis and reclassification of Planctomycetes including the descriptions of Gimesia gen. nov., Planctopirus gen. nov. and Rubinisphaera gen. nov. and emended
Complete genome sequence of the halophilic and highly halotolerant Chromohalobacter salexigens type strain (1H11T)
Complete genome sequence of Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180T
Permanent Draft Genome Sequence of Nocardia sp. BMG111209, an Actinobacterium Isolated from Nodules of Casuarina glauca
Genome Sequence of the Ethene- and Vinyl Chloride-Oxidizing Actinomycete Nocardioides sp. Strain JS614
Genome and proteome analyses show the gaseous alkane degrader Desulfosarcina sp. strain BuS5 as an extreme metabolic specialist
Comparative genomics of Coniophora olivacea reveals different patterns of genome expansion in Boletales
Complete genome sequence of Marivirga tractuosa type strain (H-43T)
The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota
Draft Genome Sequence of Methyloferula stellata AR4, an Obligate Methanotroph Possessing Only a Soluble Methane Monooxygenase
Genome sequence of the Litoreibacter arenae type strain (DSM 19593T), a member of the Roseobacter clade isolated from sea sand